Thursday, March 19, 2015

How to Reduce Church Construction Cost

The world of construction today is more complicated, and certainly more regulated, technical, specialized, and convoluted than ever.

What you don’t know will cost you…

reduce costKnowing how to manage your project “in house” is a critical factor in reducing church construction cost. Bloated designs, design creep, finance carrying cost, liens, litigation and legal expenses, change orders, and so on are all factors in increased church construction cost. According to industry statistics for commercial construction, change orders alone typically range from 5-15% of the original contract price. Much of what drives up cost is avoidable with proper planning and management; that is, if you know how.

5 steps to reduce cost…

  1.  Make sure your budget is driving your design, not the other way around.
  2. Understand the various project delivery methods and perform due diligence before hiring your design and construction team.
  3. Make sure the contracts you sign are reviewed from a legal and technical perspective for accuracy and fairness.
  4. Be prepared to deal with change orders from a technical and contractual standpoint when they arise.  
  5.  Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight. Make sure you have as much knowledge, wisdom, and experience on your side of the table as those sitting across from you.

If reducing church construction cost and achieving the best outcome for your church building program is your goal, follow the link to learn more from an experienced church construction consultant.

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