Ah, 'tis the season of churches calling wanting to start a capital campaign. Unfortunately, many church leaders are calling in August wanting to finish a capital campaign this fall. While it may not be impossible to do, especially if you are a small tightly knit church, it may not be a good idea - just because you can does not mean you should.
A church capital campaign is a spiritual work that produces a financial benefit. If you rush the process you will very likely negatively impact both the spiritual and financial benefits of the capital campaign. If your church has more than 150 or so adults, it will benefit you to begin planning for a capital stewardship campaign 6 months before you want to be in front of the congregation with the public phase of the campaign. Think of it this way. If you have ever been in a church that did a big Christmas or Easter production, you know that planning and preparation often start 3-4 months before hand. Perhaps a better comparison would be to ask if your church does VBS, and if so, when do you start planning? A capital campaign is a 6 week event that involves multi-faceted communications, preaching, teaching, and group events! How much more preparation do you think it deserves?
Learn more about what a church capital campaign is, and is not. View/download a free slideshow on conducting a church capital campaign including process, timeline, and phases.
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